What is Get it Right from a genuine site?

We’re here to help you do the right thing
Get It Right is your go-to genuine site checker for knowing where to go and where to say no when it comes to getting the entertainment you just can’t get enough of, supporting the industry in the process.
We’re not asking you to copy the latest footballer hairstyle trend, just stream the games from the right places. And we’re not asking you to write the next BRIT Award winning album, just make sure you’re supporting those that are through legal sites.

What we are asking though, is that you play your part in helping artists, sportspeople, film-makers and authors deliver their next project.
By making sure you’re getting your content from genuine sites, you’re always ensuring that the people who make the stuff you love will get paid. So that more creators will make more great stuff.
Your favourite actors, bands, games developers, writers and sports teams are relying on you to get your content legally so they can keep doing what they’re doing. That seems like a fair deal right?